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Repair Guides

How to best restring a hoodie drawstring

How to fiddle a hoodie string back into the hood

Most hoodie owners are familiar with loosing the string inside the hood or out of it altogether at one point or another, and to get the thing out or back in there to it's correct place is unfortunately not always a piece of cake. But as always, you needn't worry - we've got your back. Here's an easy trick for you!

Step 1

Fasten the safety pin at one of the ends of the hoodie string. If you use a straw instead of a safety pin, put the string inside the straw and attach them together with the stapler.

Step 2

Put the safety pin, which is attached to the string, inside the string channel and push it through by bundling up the fabric and moving the pin forward. If you use a straw, push it through the same way by bundling up the fabric and movin the straw forward.

Step 3

Make a knot at the ends of the string to make sure it doesn't get lost again inside the hoodie.

Get spare parts

In case you need any extra parts to complete your repair we have everything you need in stock. From buttons and thread to zippers and fabric patches (see the entire list here). Just send us an e-mail to outlining what parts you need and where you’d like them sent and we’ll arrange it for you.