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Man walking with Asket clothing
Man walking with Asket clothing

Eternal Aesthetics

A collaboration with Jonathan Daniel Pryce

As fashion cycles become faster and faster and demand more and more resources from people and planet, we want to celebrate the continuity of our permanent collection. We took to the iconic streets of Edinburgh with award-winning photographer Jonathan Daniel Pryce (Garçon Jon) to create a series of images that manifest this very ethos: The power and resilience of timeless aesthetics, in stark contrast to the short-term nature of traditional fashion, culminating during the shopping craze of Black Friday. Going beyond an editorial shoot, we wish to make a statement against the obsolete culture that encourages relentless consumerism and instead inspire us all to consider our wardrobe long-term investments.

Head down to explore the full story read our chat with Jonathan about his wardrobe, his work and how the pandemic has affected his everyday.

Jonathan Daniel Pryce in Knitwear


Jonathan Daniel Pryce walking on streets of Edinburgh
Close-up of asket knit

How did you first come across ASKET?

In March 2015 I received an email from August, complimenting my photography blog. Around that time a Kickstarter campaign was launched to support ASKET & it gave me a chance to look into the brand further. I was really taken with the concept & we kept in touch ever since.

 Garçon with Asket walking on a street
Blurry image of  Garçon

A large part of you work documents style, in your opinion what constitutes “timeless style”?

While working on my recent book Garçon Style, I would stop people to take a portraits and inevitably we'd get chatting. The most interesting stories around clothes were around hand-me-downs & treasured designs. One man I photographed was wearing a his grandfathers watch & another a 1940s military coat he found in his attic. That to me is timeless style - items that are valued, taken care of & made to last.

 Garçon and Jonathan Daniel Pryce
Close image of clothing

How would you describe your personal style?

I have somewhat of a uniform. Due to my line of work, I need practical clothes that are hardy & comfortable. I love vintage styles so I tend to go for classic straight leg denim, a black tee & 1950s style crew neck sweater. I try to approach my whole life with minimalist values - if I buy something for my apartment I think, does this add value to my life. William Morris the British textile designer had an ethos that all only "useful beauty" was allowed in his life, that's an ethos that's always stuck with me.

Asket poster with "we don't do SALES" text
Model with poster with "we don't do SALES" in the background

How has the current situation impacted your work?

The lockdown in March was the first time I had stopped my non-stop work cycle in a decade. As with many others during this time, the pandemic has truly made me question why I do what I do. Of course I feel very privileged to make money by taking photographs but I began to reflect more than ever on what it means to me. This year I've found a better balance in my life & connected with friends more than ever before (mainly over Facetime). When things begin to return to normal, I'd like to try & keep that up.

Models walking infront of Asket poster with "we don't do SALES" posters
Man with  with "we don't do SALES" text in background

What are your meaningful essentials?

I carry a pen & notebook everywhere I go. This could be to keep a journal or to make a sketch. There's something about making notes by hand that feels more connected & meaningful. That being said, of course my phone is a lifeline I'd find hard to live without. I also love my bike from TokyoBike London & ride that almost every day. I have a few personal items passed down from my family I treasure, like my great-grandfathers wedding ring.

Shot at the height of the pandemic, the entire shoot was orchestrated remotely, and with local talent only. Avoiding any air travel while keeping a safe distance.

Asket poster with "we don't do SALES" text